Page 10 - Art First: Joni Brenner: At the Still Point
P. 10

Os 2015                           Cranio 2015                        Shadow of the world 2015

            Experiments unsettle me and I often use exhibitions as opportuni-  and through the flow of chance in others, particularly in the vol-
            ties to focus this unsettlement, to feel energised by a new set of   umes and curves of the cranium. The rendering of the top of the
            limitations. I work by setting the conditions for something unpredict-  skull suggests in each case an opening: it is as if the fontanelle
            able to happen. The medium and the deliberate use of chance – it   of infancy has re-opened in these images, allowing a streaming
            sounds so contradictory – provide a strategy to unsettle the habits   in and out of the head, which in many cultures, is viewed as the
            of the hand and the habits of looking and thinking. It’s like having   seat of the soul.
            another author on board constantly interrupting you.  But the big skulls, this time on canvas, have other earlier prec-
                                                               edents, most recently in the form of a set of bronzes she produced
          Brenner decided that she would do the same with the present   in 2014 for an exhibition at the Nirox Sculpture Park. Instead of
          exhibition. She unsettled herself by deciding to undertake a series   working on the intimate scale that she is used to, she was encour-
          of large watercolours of skulls on canvas, a new direction for her.   aged by the curators at Nirox and assisted by Angus Taylor and
          Working on canvas with watercolour was, she said, a real chal-  his team to construct her forms on a much larger and more impos-
          lenge – an admixture of control and of sometimes, having moved   ing scale – and she moaned about it every inch of the way! But
          the canvas to allow the paint to pool, a matter of having simply to   clearly working at the foundry with Taylor’s team, unsettled the hab-
          walk away and to do something else, like do the shopping. The   its of the hand and of looking and seeing. Those bronzes, which
          element of unpredictability was both exciting and wearing, and   felt completely at home in the mottled glade of the landscape at
          did provide for the emergence of the three large watercolours, Os,   Nirox, are clearly the forbears for these new canvases, which
          Cranio and Shadow of the world. In each of them, the radiance   have both a freshness and a confidence, the incorporation of new
          of the white canvas has allowed for the skulls to be painted with   possibilities into the range of her work.
          shadow and light, through detailed application in the mandible   Shown alongside this trilogy of large skulls, are six smaller,

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