Page 5 - Art First: Kate McCrickard: New Romantics
P. 5

By then Eileen Cooper had broken through a glass ceiling,
                             becoming the first woman to be appointed an Officer of the
                             Royal Academy since its inception in 1768. She was elected
                             Keeper of Schools, and to mark the occasion in 2011 Art First
                             presented her exhibition, Showing Off, accompanied by
                             a catalogue with two essays, one by Jeanette Winterson,
                             which was a transcript from her speech at the Royal Academy
                             Dinner announcing Eileen Cooper’s appointment, and the
                             other by Kate McCrickard, which remains one of the liveliest

                             and most insightful essays yet written on Cooper’s work.*

                             Kate had already written the monograph on William
                             Kentridge for Tate’s Modern Art Series, published in 2010,
                             and has since written a great deal more, not only about
                             Kentridge but on a number of other artists as catalogue
                             essays or as articles for significant print publications listed
                             in the biography section of this catalogue.

                             In 2016 Kate’s second exhibition at Art First, Belleville, took
                             place, this time dominated by small canvases, with new
                             colour monotypes for her Drinkers series. By now her world
                             was expanding rapidly and work was being presented at
                             print fairs in New York by Julian Page, and at art fairs in South
                             Africa and the UK by Art First. Her work entered the collec -
                             tions of the British Museum, the New York Public Library, the
                             Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and is now held in the
                             Metropolitan Museum in New York. She has two large studios,
                             one in Paris and one in the country, both making the works
                             in this catalogue possible.

                             A simple story then, of abiding friendships, of women work -
                             ing in the arts, of keeping the faith, and moving forward in
                             a much-changed world. Onwards!                                                   3

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